Ebook I'm Fine and Neither Are You Audible Audio Edition Camille Pagán Amy McFadden Brilliance Audio Books

By Edwin Elliott on Monday, May 20, 2019

Ebook I'm Fine and Neither Are You Audible Audio Edition Camille Pagán Amy McFadden Brilliance Audio Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 8 hours and 2 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Brilliance Audio
  • Audible.com Release Date April 1, 2019
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English, English

I'm Fine and Neither Are You Audible Audio Edition Camille Pagán Amy McFadden Brilliance Audio Books Reviews

  • I was so looking forward to reading this novel until I read the review that flagrantly and all too nonchalantly spelled out THE most important plot point. How did miss that? Disappointed but still curious I dove in. It was no stretch to relate to Penelope but I felt that the author was truly lazy by using bathroom humor to relate to her children. In almost every chapter there appears this lazy and unoriginal crutch-it is common and ugly. And, beneath this author's reputation. The ending was crystal clear - but, no worries, I will never tell. All in all, it was just another attempt at “Big Little Lies.” Quickly and easily read earns it 3 stars but I wouldn't recommend choosing it over Gillian Flynn or Liane Moriaty.
  • I’m Fine and Neither Are You is a thought-provoking, timely novel that takes a deep look into relationships between friends, between spouses, and between parents and children. Penny is the primary breadwinner and caretaker of her family, hiding resentments by acting as if all is right in her world. But an unexpected tragedy causes Penny to take a hard look at her life, her marriage and her job with clearer eyes and a promise to herself to be more honest about her own feelings. The characters in this book are so well-written...complex characters who will connect with readers on so many levels. This story will cause readers to think of their own relationships...relationships, like the ones in the book, are messy and complicated, and they are portrayed in this book with insight and honesty. My emotions were taken for a ride while I was reading this book, a ride complete with ups and downs, bumpy roads, twists and turns.
  • "How are you?"
    How often are we asked that question each day? And each time, how often do we automatically say "fine." Even if your world is crumbling, your marriage is crumbling, your health is questionable, your kids are driving you crazy, how often is the answer simply "fine?"
    Odds are, if you're like most people, the answer is fairly often. Camille Pagan's "I'm Fine and Neither Are You" addresses this in a real-world, often-humorous, but very relevant way. The book is told through Penny's perspective. Penny is a mom in her late 30's, married ("happily" is in question), with two elementary-school aged children. She works full-time (beyond, given the number of hours she puts in) and makes good money ("happily" is also in question). This is important because her husband has been freelance writing, and not bringing home his share of the bacon.
    When her best friend dies suddenly, Penny is forced to look at her life and what is really going on. She has to learn how to confront people, situations, and herself. Because taking a long, hard look at your own life isn't easy and it certainly isn't pretty. She needs to figure out what makes her happy in order for everyone else to be happy.
    This book is great for anyone dealing with middle age, marriage, or just trying to find their own happiness in a real way.
  • I can't say enough good things about this book. It is open and honest, it makes you root for Penny and Sanjay. It breaks your heart and still manges to make you feel good.

    Penny's epiphany that she can change her life may have been the best thing that ever happened to her. I love how supportive Sanjay was when it came to working on them. Jenny's death may have been that catalist for setting it all in to motion but I love that Penny found her way.

    I feel that so much of this book is important. It talks about addiction, family, honesty, love, doing the right thing. Camille Pagán was able to write about so much and do it well in what I feel wasn't really that long of a book. Maybe that was just because I couldn't put it down.

    I highly recommend this book to all women and mothers.

    I received an ARc from NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing in exchange for an honest review.
  • I am an older woman so I've been through many of the things the main character in this story was experiencing. I had a harder time in many ways, but I never had to be sold support of the family, so I can't really fault her. All in all, a good tale and well told.
  • Showed promise, but it was ultimately boring....I kept reading because I felt like something important was going to happen. It never did. I couldn't like any of the characters. Dragged on, ended all wrapped up in a perfect little bow (kind of unrealistic and unrelatable). Disappointing.
  • I was so excited to see the author as a selection for March's First Reads. I have read other works by Camille Pagan and was eager to read her latest work. I was not disappointed. In this book, the author deals with the current opioid crisis as well as the issues and pressures of being a working spouse and parent. I thoroughly enjoyed this book- you will too!
  • A tragedy sends a shockwave through Penny Ruis-Kar's life, and what were narrow fissures in her relationships become gaping chasms. Given that her mantra is that everything is unequivocally fine, how will she find a way to make her world whole again?

    She decides upon radical honesty as a courageous prescription for an ailing marriage and a fraught worklife. And in telling this story, Camille Pagan's own radical honest is the key to its success. The portrayal of Penny and Sanjay's marriage is as unflinching as any I have read, and that's exactly why it works. No fairytales here, just real struggles, awkward memonts, touching insights, and plenty of humor to ease the pain.

    Pagan has boundless compassion for her stumbling, striving characters, and you will, too. Wise, entertaining, and big-hearted, I'm Fine and Neither Are You is as nuanced as a marriage, and equally as worthwhile.