Ebook I Still Believe The truth is not as black and white as it seems Hazel McBride 9781798720806 Books

By Edwin Elliott on Thursday, May 23, 2019

Ebook I Still Believe The truth is not as black and white as it seems Hazel McBride 9781798720806 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 279 pages
  • Publisher Independently published (March 26, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1798720809

I Still Believe The truth is not as black and white as it seems Hazel McBride 9781798720806 Books Reviews

  • This was an amazing book, anti or pro captivity i think both side can get something out of this book, it’s an inspiring story of someone with a passion and a goal in mind and is determine and found a job she loves with passion. On one hand toy might be anti captivity and believe these animals should be freed. But after reading this book, we have a fresh new view of captivity from a current trainer. We might not agree about rather an animal should be captive but just to see her passion and love for the animals is what brought both side together here. I loved that it gave inside information to whales SeaWorld seem to have forgotten, and while everything isn’t fun and pretty as a trainer, reading about the ups and downs of her dream! This book capture a fresh new view of the current negative captivity side effect and it offers a brighter view of the situation. And gives a very nice positive prospective and not to mention inspiring for one person dream and goal and the determinations of reaching the goals.
  • This book gives a great looking into the life of killer whales and trainers. Hazel dives into the complexities of marine mammal captivity and training. This book is truly for anyone on either side of the captivity issue. The author explains subjects like sea pens, the evolution of animal training, and the social structures of killer whales in captivity. It is truly an eye opener and insight to the long and difficult journey of becoming killer whale trainer. Full of touching and inspiring stories that bring light into the rough waters of animal training. In the end the message is for all of us to understand our differences but come together for the animals who need us most.
  • Whether you're an aspiring marine mammal trainer, love dolphins and whales or maybe you have questions and/or concerns about orcas in human care, this book is right for you! Hazel weaves her life's passion through this incredible book and I felt myself with her on every step of her journey.

    She goes very in depth through all aspects of working with killer whales and doesn't sugar coat it, either. Working with the ocean's apex predator is by no means a breeze, but that love for the animals truly makes it all worth it! It's so important to understand what happens behind the scenes when working with these animals, especially with so much misinformation out there. And how Hazel describes it is very immersive, from the subtle body language of their whales the trainers become attuned to, to the training process and decisions behind it, it really is thorough!

    Enter a world you never could have dreamed of, read of the profound connection to remarkable individual animals and open your heart and mind to a whole new perspective!
  • I purchased and finished reading this book in one day. I just couldn't put it down! It was so well written and I enjoyed following her life story so far. I appreciated her honesty and passion for the animals. A must read for all!
  • I’m going to start this off by saying I am anti- cap. I have been ever since free Willy came out when I was 5. However, I have never been closed minded and I was very excited to read a book by a current trainer who believes that there is something to be gained by keeping orcas in tanks. I’ve read many books on the subject, both pro and anti captivity. I just can’t “believe” that someone can work with orca every day and think that keeping them in tanks is in any way okay. It’s obvious that all orca trainers LOVE the animals they work with... they must be able to see that a sea sanctuary would make their animals happier! They can’t actually think that floating lifeless in a tank between silly circus performances is an acceptable way for these creatures to live ... I was hoping I could understand more about pro-cap, but I don’t. I’m proud of this girl for self-publishing, but I feel like she gives no credence to the real problems captive orcas have. It is painfully obvious that she didn’t do much fact checking and definitely didn’t talk to any orca scientists with a PhD. She openly admits the stereotypical behavior dolphins exhibited in captivity and criticized ideas like sea sanctuary without doing any research into what has been proposed by experts like Dr. Ingrid Visser - if she had, she would know that things like a med pool section ARE and have ALWAYS been part of a proposed sanctuary as well as multiple sea pens for the animals to be separated if necessary. She openly talks about the aggression displayed by captive dolphins against her and guests. I believe that some day, she will see that tanks are not the appropriate place for these sentient mammals. If you want to read a book with more factual information and much better editing, read John Hargrove’s book “beneath the surface.” He was a trainer for MUCH LONGER, both at Sea World facilities and at the same marine part that Hazel currently works at in France. I truly believe she will some day come to regret this book and will write another.
  • This book was wrote for everyone. It is meant to be read by pros, antis, dreamers, people interested in animals, people hoping to get inspired, people looking to learn something new, etc. It is full of inspiring stories and shows the reality of working in an animal related field. The book is written with such exquisite imagery that allows us as readers to connect and truly live each situation with Hazel. It contains up to date information about marine parks and animal care practices, shows the good, the bad and the hard things that come with becoming an animal trainer. I absolutely recommend this! )
  • So incredible to learn what it takes to work with animals! I couldn't put it down
  • I loved this book! As an aspiring marine mammal trainer, I loved reading Hazel’s story. She went into so much detail and gave a lot of insider information that hopefully will inspire people!